I got to the border and then just bogged down. Last attempt was with some 50+ infantry and 9 or 10 medium armored divisions.
However I'm finding it near impossible to crack into the French border (near the Netherlands) no matter how many guys or tanks I send. I've started using 40 width infantry and tank divisions. Was Total Mobilization a mistake, or do you use it regularly? I have picked up desegregation of the armed forces so that thankfully offsets it, however I'm wondering more for the future use of it. My manpower is now slowly trickling down. Total War VS War Economy? I went to Total Mobilization with the USA because I could, but I realize it costs me manpower.
It's frustrating because against a dug in opponent you need a planning bonus. I hit the 'let's do it' button and then everyone stays seated on their ass. Occasionally my plans (Spearhead or Offensive lines) won't attack.