Fallout 3 romance mod

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As previously discussed, Miria develops her own ideas about the couple's future, and shares these goals with the Chosen One if their relationship blossoms. My angle on the Miria mod reiterates the traditional material that's been around for ages, but also includes an expanded marriage simulation for role-playing purposes. Thanks as well is due to killap, from whose optimized RP scripts I copied many technical details of this present endeavor. I offer my thanks to all those who have contributed over the years to making Miria a more worthy spouse for the Chosen One, and whose work provided inspiration and guidance for this version even though I parted ways with the technical details of past Miria embellishments.

This version of the Miria mod never really had a formal title, probably resulting in some confusion in the past, so unless anyone has a better idea I say we call this version 'Endocore's Miria mod' from now on to distinguish it from its many cousins. The mod has been tested thoroughly, but if any bugs occur please report them here. The mod is available here, and includes all necessary files as well as the addition of combat taunts I long ago wrote for Miria. I've updated my alternate Miria mod for compatibility with killap's RP 2.3.